
The 3Dify project aims to enable avatar creation using advanced AI and a modular software architecture. Such a modular architecture allows for flexible and scalable development, ensuring easy updates and improvements.

3dify allows users to create fully-animated 3D avatars by uploading a single picture of a face. Using AI, 3dify scans the face from the input photo, extracts its features and uses the MakeHuman avatar generation suite to create 3D animated avatars based on the facial features extracted from the 3dify software modules.

3dify consists of 2 web applications.

  1. a single page web application which allows authenticated users to browse previously generated avatars, upload new pictures and modify them. Once the picture is set, a “customize” button runs the Web GL application for preview and customization.

Web Application

  1. a Web GL application, built with Unity, that creates the avatar and renders the fully-animated 3d model result for preview. The application provides user interface controls to customize the output avatar by changing facial features.

Web GL Application

Example of a generated avatar:


Application front end

The front end provides users with a gallery of pictures they have uploaded to generate their avatars. The gallery is proposed as a grid of photos to make it look familiar to users accustomed to picture galleries installed on their smartphones. Alongside the gallery, users are provided with a box to upload their pictures through drag-and-drop and selection from their computer.

Consider that a user uploads a picture either way; the platform shows users the update’s progress to keep them informed about what is happening to avoid refreshes or other actions that could only worsen the user experience, even though loading a picture does not take much time. When the loading is complete, users can access the picture from the gallery, and by clicking on it, they can preview the picture and gain access to several features. Below the preview, they have an action bar with options such as zoom-in, zoom-out, flip horizontally and vertically, rotate in both directions and the most important one–the customization option, which is dedicated to avatar customization and rendering using the Unity-based front end.

The application does not support logging in yet, but it is already designed with the capabilities to do so, and this is why users can already see buttons for logging in and out. This functionality will be enabled in future versions using the MongoDB database.

The WebGL front-end, developed using the Unity game engine, allows users to preview an initial version of their avatar based on the image uploaded to the web application described above.

After initial facial feature inference and avatar generation, the application displays a high-fidelity rendering of the fully animated avatar. This avatar includes a mesh with attached materials and textures, as well as a skeleton for use in applications such as XR and video games.

If the user is not satisfied with the initial results, the application offers extensive customization of facial features, including the head, eyes, nose, hair, and other details, using the panel on the left.

Customization is done by adjusting position and size values using sliders or by selecting from graphical options (eyes, hair, etc.).

By pressing the Build button in the lower left corner, the user initiates the avatar generation pipeline. This process, which takes more than 10 seconds, sends the new face parameters to the backend services to generate a modified version of the avatar.


The application front end architecture comprises a web application, a file store, and a NoSQL database.

  1. The web application is built with the Next.js framework, which allows us to develop both the front-end and back-end using TypeScript. The front-end is designed as a Single-Page Application (SPA) and written in React, also taking advantage of the abstractions offered by Next.js. Another benefit of Next.js is the possibility to use Next.js API Routes to create a serverless back-end to optimize resource utilization.
  2. MinIO is used as file store for persisting uploaded photos, generated avatars, etc.
  3. Part of the back-end is implemented in the Python language, which handles the facial feature extraction and communication with the Makehuman daemon
  4. For the database, the application leverages MongoDB capabilities for storing users’ information and more.
  5. The WebGL application is built with the Unity game engine and the C# language and lets users customize and preview the avatar and download its 3D model.
  6. The avatar generation is handled by a Makehuman process running in background.


Application deployment

The application consists of five docker containers:

The deployment of these containers is coordinated by the Docker Compose configuration file.

Run the Application Locally



For executing on Windows Systems it is necessary to install beforehand an X11 Server, we advise VcXsrv Windows X Server that can be found at the following link, as well as Docker Desktop at the following link.

The following are the preliminary steps for executing only for Windows Systems.

  1. After having installed VcXsrv proceed to open with XLaunch
  2. Select Multiple Windows and specify 1 as Display number
  3. Select Start no client
  4. Ensure that Disable access control is checked
  5. Click Finish
  6. Open Docker Desktop
  7. Proceed with the instruction for the launch with Docker Compose specified below.


For executing on Linux Systems it is just necessary to install Docker Engine by following the guide for your distro at the following link. (ATTENTION Currently this version only work by using Docker Engine with sudo command and is not compatible with Docker Desktop for linux systems.)

The following are the preliminary steps for executing only for Linux Systems after having installed Docker Engine.

  1. Open the terminal (Restart it if is the same terminal from which you have just installed Docker engine) and type:.
    xhost +local:docker
  2. Proceed with the instruction for the launch with Docker Compose specified below.


For executing on MacOs Systems is necessary to install both an X11 server, we advise XQuartz downloadable from the following link and Docker Desktop, downloadable from the following link.

(DISCLAIMER: Currently on Apple Silicon Processors the software may present some slow down due to the translation layer from x64 to ARM.)

  1. After having installed XQuartz proceed to open it.
  2. Open a terminal and type:
       xhost +local:docker
       xhost +
  3. Open the docker-compose.yml and comment the following line: ```bash
    • DISPLAY=${DISPLAY:-host.docker.internal:1} ```
  4. And remove the comment from the following line:
       # - DISPLAY=host.docker.internal:0
  5. Proceed with the instruction for the launch with Docker Compose specified below.


Download the Docker Compose file at https://github.com/isislab-unisa/3dify/blob/main/docker-compose.yml.

Launch all the containers required to run the application:

docker compose up -d

Stop all the containers of the application:

docker compose down

If the application is correctly deployed, it can be run by default at the link http://localhost:3000/.

Getting Started with Development


Follow the same instruction as specified above.


Get the code at the repo https://github.com/isislab-unisa/3dify/tree/main.

Launch all the containers required to run the application in development mode:

docker compose -f dev.docker-compose.yml up -d

Monitor the application while developing to see your changes reflecting automatically:

docker compose -f dev.docker-compose.yml watch

Stop all the containers of the application:

docker compose -f dev.docker-compose.yml down

If the application is correctly deployed, it can be run by default at the link http://localhost:3000/.

Where to Apply Changes?