The charts below show info about the categories of stories made between Sat Oct 19 19:00:00 2019 and Sat Oct 26 19:00:00 in twenty cities.
This table shows for each city the number of stories, users and locations retrievedCity | Stories | Users | Locations |
London, United Kingdom | 90680 | 60171 | 14376 |
New York, New York | 74987 | 50591 | 13698 |
Paris, France | 80702 | 50174 | 10994 |
Miami, Florida | 30117 | 19217 | 4602 |
Barcelona, Spain | 40968 | 25850 | 6439 |
Los Angeles, California | 43804 | 32473 | 7518 |
Chicago, Illinois | 34405 | 23008 | 6540 |
Toronto,Ontario | 31517 | 20485 | 6547 |
Berlin, Germany | 40832 | 25914 | 6654 |
Las Vegas, Nevada | 25654 | 16092 | 3828 |
Madrid, Spain | 44637 | 29453 | 7298 |
Amsterdam, Netherlands | 36975 | 24460 | 3815 |
Sydney, Australia | 15511 | 11512 | 2839 |
San Francisco, California | 20263 | 14093 | 3775 |
San Diego, California | 26467 | 17718 | 4829 |
Boston, Massachussetts | 13125 | 9716 | 2219 |
Rome, Italy | 72199 | 46650 | 10394 |
Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro | 82296 | 56865 | 15028 |
Vancouver, British Columbia | 9229 | 6460 | 2351 |
Milan, Italy | 70329 | 46487 | 7736 |
Top categories
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Checkins progress
Select one or more locations, a format, day or week, one or more categories (and eventually a day) to show the number of stories for those categories realized during the week (or day) in those locations. In addition you can set normalized mode showing values from 0 to 1, depending on the total number of stories made in a location