CED K-12 TLE Taxonomy

Type TLE Name Website URL release year release source - DOI Lead Researcher(s) research/development team affiliation City, Country download paradigm purpose characteristics edu Target audience Foundation Community of support
Languages Logo https://el.media.mit.edu/logo-foundation/index.html 1967 https://dl.acm.org/doi/pdf/10.1145/965754.965757 Seymour Papert, Cynthia Solomon, Wally Feurzeig, Daniel Bobrow BBN - Bolt, Beranek and Newman MIT Media Lab Cambridge, MA, USA ? functional, educational, procedural, reflective Lisp based Y K-4 and up
Languages Squeak https://squeak.org/ 1996 https://doi.org/10.1145/263698.263754 Alan Kay Alan Kay, Dan Ingalls, Adele Goldberg MIT, Apache free object-oriented Y
Languages Scratch https://scratch.mit.edu/ 2002 https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/1868358.1868363 Mitchel Resnick John Maloney, Mitchel Resnick, Andrés Monroy-Hernàndez MIT Media Lab Cambridge, MA, USA free event-drive, visual, block-based dev games, interactive stories, animations based on LOGO and Squeak Y K-2 and up Y Y
Languages Snap! https://snap.berkeley.edu/ 2010 https://dl.acm.org/doi/abs/10.1145/2157136.2157351 Brian Harvey Brian Harvey, Jens Mönig UC Berkeley - SAP Berkeley, CA, USA free visual, drag-and-drop, block-based dev games, interactive stories, animations reimplementation of Scratch, build your own blocks Y Y
Languages App Inventor https://appinventor.mit.edu/ 2010-2012 https://dl.acm.org/doi/abs/10.5555/2184451.2184457 Hal Abelson Evan Patton Google + MIT Cambridge, MA, USA free visual, drag-and-drop, block-based dev apps for smatphones and tablets Y
Languages Design by Numbers - DBN https://dbn.media.mit.edu/ 1998 ISBN 978-0-262-13354-8 John Maeda John Maeda, Casey Reas, Ben Fry MIT Media Lab Cambridge, MA, USA free visual, text-based programming within the context fo drawing (for designers and artists), familiarize with basic concepts of computational media based on LOGO graphic designers, artists and visual operators
Languages Processing https://processing.org/ 2001 https://doi.org/10.1145/965333.965390 Casey Reas, Ben Fry Casey Reas, Ben Fry MIT Media Lab Cambridge, MA, USA free object-oriented, visual, text-based teaching non-programmers the fundamentals of programmin; software literacy for visual arts and interactive media inspired by BASIC and LOGO, Java based and DBN based Y Y Y
Languages p5.js https://p5js.org/ 2008 John Resig Lauren McCarthy New York, NY, USA free creative coding, making coding accessible for artist, designers, educators JavaScript, processing for the web Y Y Y
Languages Lego Mindstorms https://education.lego.com/en-us 1998 https://doi.org/10.1109/VL.1995.520806 LEGO Education Division and MIT Media Lab paid visual, drag-and-drop, block-based Y
Languages Unity 3D https://unity.com/ 2005 Unity Technologies free/paid visual, text-based 3D, 2D, VR, AR reality games based on C# Y K-8 and up
Languages Tinkercad https://www.tinkercad.com/ 2011 Kai Backman Kai Backman, Mikko Mononen Autodesk free block-based 3D modeling, introduction to constructive solid geometry Y K-3 and up Y
Languages Turtlestitch https://www.turtlestitch.org/ 2015-2016 Andrea Mayr-Stalder Michael Aschauer netidee Austria free visual, drag-and-drop, block-based generate patterns for embroidery machines based on Snap! and Scratch Y
Languages Pocket Code https://share.catrob.at/app/ 2013 Wolfgang Slany Catrobat Technische Universität Graz, Austria free visual, drag-and-drop, block-based dev games, animations, interactive music videos on phone or tablet based on Scratch and Lego Y K8 and up
Languages microBlocks http://microblocks.fun/ 2018 John Maloney John Maloney, Jens Mönig, Bernat Romagosa visual, drag-and-drop, block-based programming microcontroller boards based on Scratch Y K8 and up
Languages Makeblock https://www.makeblock.com/ 2014 Jasen Wang Makeblock Shenzen, China programming, engineering, mathematics through robotics based on Scratch Y
Languages Wiring 2003 Hernando Barragán Hernando Barragán, Brett Hagman, and Alexander Brevig Java based
Languages Alice https://www.alice.org/ 2000 Wanda Dann, Stephen Cooper, Randy Pausch Saint Joseph's university, Ithaca College, Carnegie Mellon University 3D interactive animations based on Scratch, Java based
Languages Tynker https://www.tynker.com/ 2013 Krishna Vedati Tynker Mountain View, CA, USA free/paid multi-paradigm and level Developing animations, games, fictional robots, ebooks Scratch, Minecraft, Python, Javascript Y K and up, educators
Languages Blockly https://blockly.games/ 2012 Neil Fraser, Quynh Neutron, Ellen Spertus, Mark Friedman Google free
Languages GP https://gpblocks.org/about/ 2015 John Maloney John Maloney, Jens Mönig, Yoshiki Oshima, Mark Guzdial... SAP + Y-Combinator research free visual, drag-and-drop, block-based create GP extensions, generate high-quality graphics, simulate scientific systems, deploy projects on the web... based on Scratch Y K-6 to 12
Languages Waterbear http://waterbearlang.com/ 2011 Dethe Elza drag-and-drop, Scratch based based on Scratch
Languages Hackety Hack http://www.hacketyhack.net/ and github.com/hacketyhack/hacketyhack 2005 Steve Klabnik Jonathan Gillette (_why) based on Ruby
Languages Robo Mind https://www.robomind.net/ 2005 Arvid Halma Arvid Halma, Ernst Bovenkamp, Jan van Oorschot Research Kitchen Delft, NL programming a simulated robot K-3 and up, gifted edu Y
Languages Ruby
Languages Codea
Languages Kojo https://www.kogics.net/kojo 2010 Lalit Pant object-oriented, functional; language and IDE create games, art, math, music, science written in Scala, influenced by Logo, Processing Y
Microcontrollers, boards and robotics micro:bit https://microbit.org/ 2015 BBC paid Y K-3 and up
Microcontrollers, boards and robotics Arduino https://www.arduino.cc/ 2005 Interaction Design Institute - Ivrea paid
Microcontrollers, boards and robotics makeY makeY https://makeymakey.com/ 2012 Eric Rosenbaum Eric Rosenbaum, Jay Silver MIT Media Lab Lifelong Kindergarten Group paid kit = circuit board, alligator clips and USB cable Y
Microcontrollers, boards and robotics Lego robots https://education.lego.com/en-us paid Y
Microcontrollers, boards and robotics Bee-bot/blue-bot app https://www.tts-international.com/ free/paid drag-and-drop planning sequence Y Pre-K to K-2
Microcontrollers, boards and robotics Cubetto - Primo Toys https://www.primotoys.com/ 2013 Matteo Loglio Matteo Loglio, Filippo Yacob paid K
Microcontrollers, boards and robotics mbot http://learn.makeblock.com/en/mbot/ 2015 paid
Microcontrollers, boards and robotics littleBits 2011 Ayah Bdeir Sphero Inc. New York paid
Microcontrollers, boards and robotics Raspberry Pi 2012 Raspberyy Pi Foundation UK paid
Microcontrollers, boards and robotics Osmo
Microcontrollers, boards and robotics Lego Boost
Microcontrollers, boards and robotics Dash and Dot
Platforms/courses/MOOCS code.org https://code.org/ 2013 Hadi Partovi, Ali Partovi free Y
Platforms/courses/MOOCS AP CS Principles https://apcentral.collegeboard.org/courses/ap-computer-science-principles 2017 free Y
Platforms/courses/MOOCS CS50 https://cs50.harvard.edu/college/2020/spring/ 2015 Harvard University - College Board free Y
Platforms/courses/MOOCS Khan Academy https://www.khanacademy.org/ 2008 Salman Amin Khan Khan Academy Mountain View, CA free Y
Platforms/courses/MOOCS edX https://www.edx.org/ 2012 Anant Agarwal MIT - Harvard Cambridge, MS free/paid Y
Platforms/courses/MOOCS Teachable Machine https://teachablemachine.withgoogle.com/ 2017 Google et al. free Y
Platforms/courses/MOOCS Made with code - Google edu https://edu.google.com/code-with-google/?modal_active=none&story-card_activeEl=enhance-any-subject 2014 Google free visual programming challenges with basic concepts Blockly-based Y K-1 and up, educators
Platforms/courses/MOOCS Kahoot! https://kahoot.com/ 2013 Johan Brand, Jamie Brooker, Morten Versvik free/paid Y
Platforms/courses/MOOCS Coursera https://www.coursera.org/ 2012 Andrew Ng, Daphne Koller Mountain View, CA Y
Platforms/courses/MOOCS Udemy https://www.udemy.com/ 2009 Eren Bali, Oktay Caglar, Gagan Biyani Sunnytrail Insight Labs Vancouver Y
Platforms/courses/MOOCS Programma il Futuro https://programmailfuturo.it/ 2014 Enrico Nardelli CINI - MIUR free Y
Platforms/courses/MOOCS Swift Playground https://www.apple.com/swift/playgrounds/ 2016 Apple programming through gamification Y
Platforms/courses/MOOCS Code Builder https://education.minecraft.net/trainings/code-builder-for-minecraft-education-edition 2017 Microsoft programming for Minecraft Education Edition Y
Platforms/courses/MOOCS CSunplugged https://csunplugged.org/en/ 2007 Tim Bell University of Canterbury NZ, Google, Microsoft free CS without computer
Platforms/courses/MOOCS Project Jupiter 2014 Fernando Pérez, Brian Granger GitHub interactive data science and scientific computing across all programming languages
Platforms/courses/MOOCS Codecademy https://www.codecademy.com/
Platforms/courses/MOOCS Udacity
Platforms/courses/MOOCS CodeHub
Platforms/courses/MOOCS SoloLearn
Platforms/courses/MOOCS Programming Hub
Platforms/courses/MOOCS Enki
Platforms/courses/MOOCS PluralSight
Platforms/courses/MOOCS Turtle Academy https://turtleacademy.com/ 2022 Joshua Bell based on Logo
Platforms/courses/MOOCS Transum https://www.transum.org/software/Logo/ John Tranter based on Logo
Platforms/courses/MOOCS Machine Learning for Kids https://machinelearningforkids.co.uk/ Dale Lane web-based machine learning + Scratch/Python/AppInventor
Platforms/courses/MOOCS Friendly ML for the web https://ml5js.org/
Platforms/courses/MOOCS Glitch https://glitch.com/?utm_medium=partner&utm_source=teachable_machine
Platforms/courses/MOOCS Tableau https://www.tableau.com/ 2003 Chris Stolte, Pat Hanrahan, Christian Chabot (Stanford University) Salesforce data accessible through visualization
Platforms/courses/MOOCS Crunchzilla http://www.crunchzilla.com/
Platforms/courses/MOOCS Coderkids https://www.coderkids.com/
Games and apps Kodable https://www.kodable.com/ 2012 Grechen Huebner Jon Mattingly free/paid K and up
Games and apps Stencyl http://www.stencyl.com/ 2011 Jonathan Chung written in Haxe K-3 and up
Games and apps Hopscotch https://www.hopscotch.in/ 2013? Hopscotch Technologies free/paid visual, for programming games based on Scratch K-2 and up
Games and apps Daisy the Dinosaur free visual, drag-and-drop, block based basics of programming K to K-2
Games and apps Kodu Game Lab https://www.kodugamelab.com/ 2009 Microsoft
Games and apps CodeCombat https://codecombat.com/home 2013 George Saines, Scott Erickson, Matt Lott, Nick Winter Los Angeles, CA, USA free videogame for SW programming (Javascript, Python, HTML...) Y K-4 and up, educators
Games and apps LightBot https://lightbot.com/ 2008 Danny Yaroslavski Lightbot inc. free/paid puzzles and mazes to learn programming educational videogame for learning software programming Y K and up
Games and apps Tynker
Games and apps SpriteBox
Games and apps Coding safari
Games and apps Algorithm City
Games and apps Code for kids
Games and apps Nancy Drew: Codes and clues http://www.nancydrewcodesandclues.com/
Games and apps Code Kart https://www.codemonkey.com/
Games and apps Run Marco https://www.brainpop.com/games/runmarco/
Games and apps Mimo https://getmimo.com/
Games and apps codeSpark Academy https://codespark.com/
Games and apps Swift Playgrounds https://www.apple.com/it/swift/playgrounds/
Games and apps Bee-Bot
Games and apps Grasshopper 3D https://www.grasshopper3d.com/
Type TLE Name Website URL release year release source - DOI Lead Researcher(s) research/development team affiliation City, Country download paradigm purpose characteristics edu Target audience Foundation Community of support